Tuesday, January 28, 2014

DOC1 Writing to Analyze

Hello fellow Scribblers!
Since elementary school, I was taught that "reading is fundamental" .  I still carry that philosophy even today. Reading to analyze is something else altogether . Analyzing is not an exact science.  
It may sound fancy and to some it's intimidating but don't forget that there is no right or wrong interpretation.    Getting in groups helps and 1,000 words seem doable, right?
Literary analysis is objective and subjective all at once.  Whether your a pro or a beginner critic you should always use other sources to assist you in your analysis. In fact, library books online are good and scholarly sites like Jstor, Muse and other databases.   I like to start with the author, gives me insight on his writing style and his way of thinking , prepares you for what your about to read.
Good luck everyone on DOC1.  


  1. I like your advice. Literary analysis is both objective and subjective, but you can use some standard tools and concepts (plot, theme, characterization, etc) to keep your reading from becoming too idiosyncratic. Thanks.

    1. Thank you for your comment and sharing your thoughts. :-)
